Many times, you need to know when to bring in the pros. Especially when it comes to photography. At Denver Advertising, many times, we shoot many of our clients projects. But every now and then we need the help from the big boys. Josh, great job on the last shoot.
Passion….Did you loose it somewhere? After having some smoked ribs cooked on my Pink Traeger Pig, along with some freshly squeezed tangerine margaritas, my wife decided to show our guests some Josh Groben since they liked amazing vocalists. While enjoying the night, along came a violinist that started a very dramatic solo. At first I was entertained, in the end I was moved. It made me think, am I living with passion. Life is too short not too. Let me challenge you. Do you see the commitment and passion this woman has while playing. I challenge you and myself for 2010 to pursue at least one thing with this much passion. When is the last time you ran with the your shoes off in the snow so your toes just about go numb. When is the last time you took your $40,000 SUV and really went off-roadin’. Find something. Heck, challenge yourself to sit and listen for God’s voice and don’t get up until you hear him speak something into your soul. God gave us such a wonderful world to live in and enjoy. Are you livin’ or are you just survivin’?. Yes, the pink pig does it, if you’re into digitally controlled convection wood pellet smokers, but what about other areas of my life.
Have I settled? Have I accepted middle age………….NEVER!!!!!!!!!
Mike Lash
Denver Advertising
Head chef – chief dish washer
Let this move ya.
With today’s availability to computers, just about anyone thinks they have an eye for design – what works and what doesn’t. Just like we can all run. While we agree that everyone has something to contribute, we at Denver Advertising have had years and years of experience with what actually works, and what doesn’t.
Our team of highly-experienced and trained graphic design professionals can create Advertising Design concepts that sells and promotes your business. After 18 years of experience, winning awards and receiving high praise around Denver, Colorado, we have continued to increase our knowledge and expectations to create modern advertising and branding that works.
This is a constantly-changing industry. What worked five years ago may no longer work in today’s highly-competitive world. When looking to take your business to the next level, be sure to do research and go with the company that proves to be on top of change – a company that can make your brand stay around for years and years to come…