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At Denver Advertising we have a reputation around the nation for advertising and marketing Paving Contractors. Our most recent success, we took a paving contractor from 9 million to 18 million in about 3 years. Marketing and Advertising does work for paving contractors. Call us and we will show you how.

Paving Contractor

I loved this. A father holding his son after winning the most important game of his career. And here is the best part, Drew could of cared less. Look at the intensity as his eyes met his sons eyes. Wow. Here is a man that has spent the last 20 plus years preparing for this, just to
accept the success. The real excitement was to be with his son. We believe that Drew’s love demonstrates God’s love for us.

At Denver Advertising, this is what we believe is real living. Yes, it’s important to win the Super Bowls in life (that’s why you hire us) but more importantly is your success with your family. We care about each one of our clients family as much as we care about helping their business grow. We want to help our clients be so successful that they can spend more time at home. And if need be, we will pick up the slack so they can be home more.

We want to assist our clients in being successful

……..and enjoy life.

Passion….Did you loose it somewhere? After having some smoked ribs cooked on my Pink Traeger Pig, along with some freshly squeezed tangerine margaritas, my wife decided to show our guests some Josh Groben since they liked amazing vocalists. While enjoying the night, along came a violinist that started a very dramatic solo. At first I was entertained, in the end I was moved. It made me think, am I living with passion. Life is too short not too. Let me challenge you. Do you see the commitment and passion this woman has while playing. I challenge you and myself for 2010 to pursue at least one thing with this much passion. When is the last time you ran with the your shoes off in the snow so your toes just about go numb. When is the last time you took your $40,000 SUV and really went off-roadin’. Find something. Heck, challenge yourself to sit and listen for God’s voice and don’t get up until you hear him speak something into your soul. God gave us such a wonderful world to live in and enjoy. Are you livin’ or are you just survivin’?. Yes, the pink pig does it,  if you’re into digitally controlled convection wood pellet smokers, but what about other areas of my life.

Have  I settled? Have I accepted middle age………….NEVER!!!!!!!!!

Mike Lash

Denver Advertising

Head chef – chief dish washer

Let this move ya.

Denver Advertising Agencies

At Denver Advertising, we believe there are many qualified Denver advertising agencies to choose from. What is the most important when choosing an advertising agency? We believe at Denver Advertising, that you choose an agency that you can trust and communicate with. Yes it’s very important how the agency plans on increasing your business, but if you can’t communicate with the agency or you don’t trust them, then how they grow your business is irrelevant.

For over 19 years, Denver Advertising has been helping grow businesses in Denver, Colorado and throughout the nation. We would love to earn your trust.